


Hello, I am a third year Ph.D. candidate at Rutgers University working under Dr. Doron Zeilberger. I am also an NSF Graduate Research Fellow. My research interests include experimental mathematics, combinatorics, and graph theory.

This summer, I am participating in the AMS Mathematics Research Communities (MRC) in Algebraic Combinatorics. I am also a graduate research mentor for the Combinatorics and Coding Theory in the Tropics REU.

In previous summers, I have engaged in several research and mentorship programs. In 2022, I served as a graduate research mentor for the Summer@ICERM program in Computational Combinatorics. I also participated in the Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education (EDGE) program in 2021. Additionally, I was involved in two Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs): one with East Tennessee State University in 2020, and another with the MSRI-UP program in Berkeley, California, in 2019. For more information about my work, please visit Past Activities , Research or click on my CV .

My goals include influencing other Hispanic students to pursue their dreams and supporting the Hispanic math community. At Stockton University, I was part of the first cohort for Latinas Achieve in STEM (LaSTEM) , a program led by a Graduate Capstone Student.


Current Activities